Yuh Shiuans昱宣

Got Ideas?

Are you an oral health care product enthusiast? Do you have any innovations, ideas, or remarks in creating or improving oral health care products that you long to share?

Yuh Shiuans cares about your opinions. We take pride in being at the forefront in hearing our customers’ voices and in adapting our ways of product manufacturing. If you have any product ideas, please do not hesitate to share your solutions with us. Every 3 months, we reward the best idea with an oral care product gift set from Yuh Shiuans.

Please send us your creative ideas to contact@yuhshiuans.com or by mail:

Yuh Shiuans Co., Ltd.

No. 282, Bade Street, Shulin District, New Taipei City, 23857, Taiwan

Office +886 8686 0696

Fax +886 8686 3799