Yuh Shiuans昱宣

Our production lines team adheres to the production plans created by our production plan team. Our production lines consist of 2 main segments: one is the injection part of the manufacturing, the other one is packaging. Thanks to our efforts in developing automated systems, our production lines team is able to produce at a cost-effective and high-performance pace in order to meet the target manufacturing capacity.

Our production lines staff follows the gold standard “ISO” and “FDA” for the products being manufactured on our production lines to ensure that our products are produced consistently and controlled according to quality standards. Over the course of the years, we have developed system that is tailored for our unique manufacturing lines. For every product being made, our production lines staff applies cleaning and safety protocols. We also adopt a rigorous regimen to maintain proper manufacturing documentation and records. Moreover, we have laboratory controls, testing procedures, equipment verifications, and complaint handling to ensure control of our manufacturing processes.

In adhering to our ISO and FDA standards, our production lines team holds a daily seminar with our quality management team to ensure that products meet the quality regulations for each specific workstation. As we evolve, we continue to revise and improve our Good Manufacturing Practices because we believe that through it, we can produce high quality products for our clients and our customers.